Chocolate – like never before (and yes, it’s good for you)

Be warned, this is AMAZING and you will want more.

I discovered this recipe from Sofie Van Kempen, Nutritionist and exciting recipe extraordinaire (you can find her on Instagram) just before Easter, so the idea was to make Easter eggs (as per recipe). But time got away and I have finally discovered my new love … homemade chocolate!

I have messed around with the recipe a bit, adding different ingredients in to see what I like and to see how much goodness I can pack in one little chocolate for myself and baby Elke. I will share the original recipe and then give you my absolute favourite 🙂



1 cup cocoa butter

1 cup raw cocao powder

1/3 cup raw honey

1 tsp vanilla bean paste / extract

pinch salt


Melt butter, honey and vanilla and salt in a medium saucepan. Once melted, remove and combine powder, stir with a fork to remove all lumps. Pour into ice cub trays and pop in the freezer for about 15 min. Then you can just keep them in the fridge.

My favourite

I added 1 tbsp Macro peanut butter (melt with butter). Once off the stove, add a dash of peppermint oil, 1 tbsp black chia seeds and 1 tbsp flaxseeds.

What are you getting out of all this (aside from amazing flavour)?

Lots of Omega 3s from the Flaxseeds and Chia seeds essential for brain health and great for your skin. Heaps of creaminess from the peanut butter. Magnesium from the cocao powder for recovery and energy. Essential minerals from the salt which we loose through sweat. So what are you waiting for? Get into this stuff! you won’t regret it 🙂